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BreedingPacman frogs are a challenge to breed. They are aggressive, and a large frog can eat a smaller frog, so breeding must be undertaken carefully. Under breeding conditions, the pair(s) are not likely to hurt each other, provided they have been well fed.Obviously you need a male and a female. Mature males are smaller than mature females, males will croak, and females are silent. Putting two frogs together that are not the correct gender could result in an injured or dead frog.To prepare the frogs for breeding, you must condition and "cycle" them. Conditioning involves feeding the frogs well, which you should be doing any how, for a few months. To cycle, start preparing the frogs for a dry and cool period. In the wild, these frogs start this period some time in the late winter. At home, the temperatures you provide will trigger instictive behavior, just like the weather in the wild.You should aim for a temperature between 55 and 60 °F (13-15 °C). You may be able to complete a successful breeding at a different time of year, but it is easiest and most reliable to use the weather outside to your advantage (e.g. it may be difficult to keep temperatures below 70 °F (20 °C) in the summer). Light duration (photoperiod) decreases in the winter, and this is also easier to simulate when the conditions are naturally in tune with what you"re trying to achieve.To cycle the frogs, place them in a container or tank with a deep layer of sphagnum moss. Provide a lid for the container so the frogs can"t escape (it is unlikely they will try to escape but do take precautions). A lid will also help to stabilize the level of humidity, which should be distinctly lower than their normal terrarium. The frogs will burrow into the substrate, and should not emerge until the next step of breeding in 2-4 months. While the frogs are dormant, once per week mist the moss very lightly and then replace the lid.After waiting at least 2 months, it is time for the next step. Raise the temperature back to the day time conditions mentioned earlier in this article, and mist the container(s) very heavily. The frogs should emerge within a day or so. If not, remove them yourself. You can now feed your frogs their first meal. It is a good idea to feed them separately, so that they aren"t likely to hurt each other. After they have eaten, they are ready to be placed in the breeding tank together.The breeding tank should be mostly aquatic. This is to simulate the pools that form after heavy rains. Most breeders make a rain system for this terrarium - search on frogforum for more info on rain chambers.The water should be very shallow with places to haul out, so that the frogs are in no risk of drowning. It is recommended that you place an aquatic plant in the enviroment for the female to lay her eggs on. It also helps with water quality. Usually within four days, the female(s) will lay eggs. 

标签: BreedingPacman frogs challenge
