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近日,在《老友记》中饰演莫妮卡 · 盖勒的柯特妮 · 考克斯(Courteney Cox)现身好莱坞,出席恐怖喜剧《闪光谷》首映,照片中的她气质不减当初,从身材来看,很难让人相信她已经 57 岁了。

前些日子,她在接受《Sunday Sitdown》采访时,这位女演员打趣道,如果能在拍摄《老友记》重聚特辑之前再看一遍就更好了。

尽管她在这部大受欢迎的电视剧中出演了 10 季,但她承认她对拍摄《老友记》的记忆有些模糊。

"I should"ve watched all 10 seasons because when I did the reunion and was asked questions, I was like, "I don"t remember being there,"" Cox said. "I don"t remember filming so many episodes."

考克斯说:" 我应该把 10 季都看完,因为当我参加重聚时,被问到一些问题时,我的反应是,‘我不记得我在那里。’ "" 我不记得拍过这么多集。"

She said she"ll sometimes catch episodes on TV and has no recollection."But it"s so funny."

她说她有时会在电视上看到一些情节,但却不记得了。" 但这太有趣了。"

尽管她在《老友记》中的台词并没有留在她的记忆中,但考克斯说她理解为什么这部电视剧在 2004 年停播后仍然如此受欢迎。

"It doesn"t matter what generation is watching, it holds up," she said. "I think the comedy is relevant."

她说:" 不管哪一代人在看,它都是经得起考验的。我觉得这部喜剧很有意义。"


Cox also admitted that she didn ’ t realize how popular and life-changing the show was going to be, but she does recall traveling to Las Vegas with the cast and the director, who told them to enjoy the moment before becoming famous.


"He gave us all $500. And he said, ‘ I want you to take care, like, really take notice of this moment because it will be the last time that all six of you together can walk through a casino."" she said.

她说:" 他给了我们每人 500 美元。他说,‘我希望你们要特别注意这一刻,因为这将是你们六个人最后一次一起走进赌场。’ "

She continued: "And we were like, "Really?" And it was true. We never could never do that ( again ) ."

她继续说道:" 我们当时的反应是," 真的吗 ?" 这是真的。我们再也不能那样做了。

事实证明,这部剧成为了不少人心中的 " 神剧 ",友情爱情亲情,在这里都有很好的诠释,剧中的生活大概是我们都向往的生活——最好的朋友就在对面,最爱的人就在身边。






" 欢迎来到现实世界,它糟糕透了,但你会喜欢的。"

柯特妮 · 考克斯于 1964 年 6 月 15 日出生在阿拉巴马州的伯明翰,从小家境富裕。


考克斯 1984 年开始了她的演艺生涯,当时她只是在一些电视剧和电影中扮演小角色。

1994 年,她开始扮演电视剧《老友记》中的主要角色之一莫妮卡 · 盖勒,凭借《老友记》中的角色获得了多个奖项和提名。

1996 年出演恐怖电影《惊声尖叫》而变得更加受欢迎。这部电影也取得了巨大的成功。除了《老友记》,她最出名的影视作品当属《惊声尖叫》。

也是因为这部电影,她与片中扮演她情人的演员大卫 · 阿奎特(David Arquette)相识相恋,两人 1999 年 6 月 12 日举行婚礼,2004 年 6 月,生下女儿。

然而,2010 年,这对相差 7 岁的姐弟恋,以离婚告终。2010 年分居后,两人于 2012 年提出离婚。

柯特妮 · 考克斯一直都很漂亮,然而随着年龄的增长,她也为美所困,做了整形手术,甚至因为整容而备受争议。

After Courteney starred as the iconic TV character, Monica Geller on Friends, she began to get fillers. She admitted to People, that she got plastic surgery because she "wasn ’ t pleased with myself and the way I looked."

柯特妮在《老友记》中饰演了标志性的电视剧角色莫妮卡 · 盖勒之后,她开始进行脸部填充。她向《人物》杂志承认,她做整形手术是因为她 " 对自己和自己的样子不满意 "。

"I grew up thinking appearance was the most important thing. That as long as I looked OK, I would be OK, which got me into trouble."

" 在成长过程中,我一直认为外表是最重要的。只要我看起来还好,我就会没事,这让我陷入了麻烦。"

柯特妮还向《New Beauty》杂志详细讲述了她是如何开始的:

She said: "Well, what would end up happening is that you go to a doctor who would say, ‘ You look great, but what would help is a little injection here or filler there. ’ So you walk out and you don ’ t look so bad and you think, no one noticed — it ’ s good."

她说:" 好吧,最后的结果是,你去看医生,医生会说,‘你看起来很好,但在这里或那里注射一点填充物会有帮助。’所以你走出去,你看起来没那么糟,你想,没人注意到——这很好。"

"Then somebody tells you about another doctor: ‘ This person ’ s amazing. They do this person who looks so natural. ’ You meet them and they say, ‘ You should just do this. ’ The next thing you know, you ’ re layered."

" 然后有人告诉你另一位医生:‘这个人太棒了。他们做的这个人看起来很自然。’你遇到他们,他们说,‘你应该这样做。’接下来你就会发现自己被层层包围。"


2017 年,她在接受采访时表示,你在做整形手术时不会注意到结果,除非有人指出来。让她停下来的不仅仅是她的朋友,还有她在照片里看到的自己。

"I ’ d see pictures and think, ‘ Oh, is that what I look like? ’ And I ’ d ask a friend and they ’ d say, ‘ Oh God, no. ’ And I never thought of myself as beingdelusional. I think photographs do show up worse, so when people in the world see you and write comments that are usually mean, I think, ‘ It can be worse than what it really is,"" she said.

她说道:" 我看到照片就会想,‘哦,我是这样的吗?’我问一个朋友,他们会说,‘哦,天哪,不。’我从来没有想过自己有妄想症。我认为照片确实更糟糕,所以当世界上的人看到你并写下通常很刻薄的评论时,我想,‘可能比实际情况更糟糕,’ "

Courteney even went on to say, "I was trying so hard to keep up, and that actually made things worse. Now, I ’ m as natural as I can be."

柯特妮甚至还说:" 我一直在努力追赶,结果反而让事情变得更糟。现在,我已经尽可能的自然了。"


"Aging gracefully is one thing, but trying to slow it down is another.

" 优雅地衰老是一回事,但试图让它慢下来是另一回事。"

"I ’ m at peace with myself and where I am. In the past, I was always looking to see how everybody else was doing. I wasn ’ t competitive, I was comparative. I just wanted to be where everybody else was. Now I ’ ve gotten to an age when I am not comparing anymore."





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